
tiny houses Archives - The Year of Mud

Thoughts About Tiny Houses: When is Small Too Small?

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The Good Life

I have zero doubts that the average American house is way, way too big and consumes far too much energy (in its construction, and especially through its use), and produces far too much waste. This is a huge problem.

Thankfully, there is now a shift towards a tiny house movement, with some forward-thinking folks designing, building, and residing in ever smaller homes, in opposition to the “bigger is better” mentality that has plagued modern American homes. But when is small just too small to be practical? How realistic are tiny homes for a non-consumer lifestyle?

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100s of Gorgeous Small Cabin and House Pictures

By Photos

I never tire of thumbing through beautiful images of inspiring natural buildings, tiny houses, and well-designed spaces. Ahhh…

Well, this so-called free cabin porn site is just that and nothing else: a well-maintained collection of 100s of photos of beautiful traditional buildings and small cabins throughout the world, updated regularly. I’d love to see a collection of these images in print! (Print is always better, right?)

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Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter: Lloyd Kahn Book Review

By Resources, Media

Lloyd Kahn is an owner-builder’s best friend. His colorful books document owner-builders’ projects across the world, chock full of captivating, beautiful photographs and valuable information for both the aspiring and active builder folks among us.

Each announcement of his book releases come with a certain wave of excitement, and Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter rides on the wave that Lloyd has been stirring up for over 30 years since the release of Shelter, and delivers a unique look into the newly exploding popularity of tiny houses.

Read ahead for a book review of Lloyd Kahn’s latest.

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My Cob House in Lloyd Kahn’s Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter book!

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tiny homes book - ziggy 1

Gobcobatron in the new Tiny Homes book

I was really excited yesterday, literally breathless with joy. I walked to the mailboxes yesterday afternoon and spotted a package from Shelter Publications casually lying across the top of our mailbox, and I tore it open to find two glossy new copies of Lloyd Kahn’s latest book, Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter. I literally ran home to pry into it (dropping one of the cute Tiny Homes mini books in the mud in the process… whoops!), and I was thrilled to see my cob house gracing four of the pages within.

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