
diy Archives - The Year of Mud

Protect Yourself (and Your Tools)

By Hand Tools, Timber Framing
Chisel Tool Roll

Handmade toll roll for less than $5!

Protect your tools. Both you and they will be much happier with adequate shelter and storage. Even with our new tool shed, there is still a feeling of inadequacy for the storage of some of our building tools. Better shelves might help, but we’ve got planes, chisels, and all manner of things that are a bit too “exposed” and unprotected for my liking.

However, we are on the way to changing some of that, now that April made her first leather tool roll for our timber framing chisels. I’m in love with it!

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Easy, Tamper-Proof Compost Bin Plans

By Gardening
Compost Bin Plans

Rodent and dog-proof compost bin… for under $40

We’ve all got our shortcomings. Our compost bin situation has been severely lacking for… a few years, I’ll say. How embarrassing.  Let’s just say we were kinda lacking on the “bin” end of things for a while… until now. These great compost bin plans we came up with eliminate dogs and rodents from getting into our pile, allowing us to create soil fertility without the headache of critters messing things up! All it took was a roll of hardware cloth, and a bag of zip ties. I’m so pleased to have a functional compost bin that I just had to share this here. The whole thing costs under $40.

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