Straw Bale Timber Frame House: Strawtron

Sayonara, Strawtron

Almost four years ago, April and I moved from Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in northeast Missouri to Berea, Kentucky to try and find land to start developing a homestead. When we left, we put our straw bale and timber frame home, Strawtron up on the market. This fall, we finally sold the house to new owners. (We sold our cob house, Gobcobatron two years ago.)

We are, in a word, greatly relieved. (Oops, two words.) Why has it taken so long? Well, prospective buyers also need to be Dancing Rabbit members, so the pool of potential buyers is downright tiny. We thought we’d sell the house much sooner because the trend had been an increasingly larger population (and a shortage of homes), but that trend happened to reverse shortly after we left. Well, there was now way to foresee that one.

Nevertheless… the house is sold and I’m happy for the new owners. I love that house and I’m sure it will continue to be loved well into the future. Goodbye Strawtron!