Monthly Archives

May 2014

Our First Batch of Kentucky Cob

By Natural Building Workshops, Cob Oven
Mixing Cob in Kentucky

Mixing up the first batch of Kentucky cob!

This week it feels like we’ve hit a special milestone. On the one hand, it’s an oh-so familiar feeling, but then again it’s so new and exciting! I sunk my feet into our first batch of Kentucky cob a few days ago. I’ve mixed hundreds of batches of cob by now, but they’ve of course all been made in our former home of Missouri. Mixing up this cob in Kentucky is another little landmark along our path to arrival and settling in here.

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Gearing Up to Timber Frame!

By Timber Framing, Natural Building Workshops, Hand Tools


Do you ever get into cleaning frenzies, and spend hours scouring and scrubbing around the house, including those areas that often don’t get their fair share of loving? Well, that’s how I’ve been feeling lately, but it’s not our house that is getting the attention… it’s all of our tools. Recently, I’ve been spending a goodly amount of time sharpening, oiling, de-rusting, and tuning to get all of our gear ready for the upcoming Timber Frame Workshop in June. This year we’ll have some newcomers on the tool front to try out, including two antique boring machines we obtained last winter that haven’t seen action yet.

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Soak Up the Sun in an Attached Greenhouse

By Design, Greenhouse
Attached Greenhouse

A lively attached greenhouse in the springtime

I’m a big fan of attached greenhouses. We designed our second home Strawtron to include a significant greenhouse on the south side of the house. Benefits of designing this way include the obvious ability to extend your growing season to grow more food, but an attached greenhouse can provide your home with additional heat, and an interesting intermediate living space, too. It’s not quite inside… nor is it outside space, either. Anyway. I love this image of the attached solarium of our dear friends Tim and Jane. Doesn’t it just look so wild and green, but so inviting, too?

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Build Yourself Some Decent Sawhorses

By Design, Carpentry, Woodworking
Simple Sawhorse Plans

Build yourself a decent pair of sawhorses this year!

Everyone needs a pair (or two, or three) of sawhorses. It certainly helps if they are not wobbly and can stand on their own, and are beefy enough to support more than a box of matches. There are way too many subpar (or worse) sawhorses out there, and if yours look like they’ve been run over a few times… you deserve better, really.

On DIY and owner-builder construction sites, they are often the primary work surface for all sorts of carpentry work, and they are likely to be used as a ladder, table, a place to sit, a tool table… you get the point. They’re pretty essential, and if they actually work well — heck, you will likely be a more efficient builder.

I am happy to follow an existing design when I can, and these simple sawhorse plans fit the bill for our myriad building projects this summer. It’s nice to follow instructions sometimes, you know?
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