Kale in the Garden

Our kale in the garden, as of a couple weeks ago

It’s not often that April and I travel, but out of the last 30 days, we have been away for half or more. Since going to the Timber Framers Guild workshop in Texas, and traveling to see family and friends, we have been away more this late winter/early spring than in recent memory. I hope we haven’t missed all of morel mushroom season and the redbuds flowering when we get back to Kentucky in another day! There are many other things to look forward to once we return, too.

Once we get back, we are concentrating our efforts on a variety of projects that we are committed to. We have already begun work with Tim and Jane with site work on their (future) octagonal straw bale house. Hopefully the drainage trench will be done by the time we get back, and then we’ll shift to thinking about the earthbag foundation stemwall. Expect some photos soon.

Our kale was almost ready to start eating when we left (see above), and I suspect by now we can finally start enjoying some of the greens. I’ll be interested to see how well our snow peas, chinese cabbage, and other greens have moved along, too. It won’t be long til we start getting tomatoes, peppers, and the summer veggies out in the ground. I think I can get used to this longer Kentucky growing season… We also need to decide if we’ll be raising any chickens or ducks this year.

Likely one of the first small building projects we will jump on is building a cob oven for our new friends Bob and Carrie of the Clear Creek Festival, in preparation for our own cob oven weekend workshop, and a very cool theatrical weekend event they are hosting in July that has a big food component. The pizzas shall soon follow…

There’s still the workbench that Jacob and I are wanting to build, too, but haven’t had a whole lot of time to concentrate on it. Some of our materials are prepped, and we built some sawhorses before April and I left, so now we can laminate the big top (assuming we can find a useable jointer, first….)

Well, as you can guess, we have a lot of projects in the works. I’m definitely getting itchy to dive in!