
It never fails: as soon as the first warm days come around, it instantly feels like there’s about 1,000 things to do. Days earlier, when it may have been cold or even snowing, or just unpleasant or winter-like, the pressure was off to do anything “productive” and one could feel good about sitting inside, reading, carving a spoon, and talking about things to do at some point.

We’re at that time now — spring is peeking out, and the activities are moving outside more and more. I suspect this will be a fairly enjoyable spring, as we have plenty to do, but no deadly-strict deadlines to fret about each waking day.

Activities to come, or those already in the process, include planting peas and potatoes, starting more summer season seedlings, cleaning up piles of lumber and consolidating building supplies, doing some maintenance work in Gobcobatron (including some cracks to fill, making a new bed frame, a new coat of exterior plaster), preparing for the arrival of ducks and chickens, and continuing work on Strawtron… namely, closing in the north porch, and then moving back to interior work.

I often find if difficult to choose what to do each day, but the weather occasionally helps dictate that, and there are certainly things more pressing than others. I must say, trying to provide for yourself means juggling lots of balls at once. It takes quite a bit of effort, and organization, no doubt. My favorite times are when I have one or two bigger projects to focus on, and fewer of the many and smaller tasks that need attention. I tend to be less present with a task if I am thinking about the four or five other things that can be happening at that same time.

I guess it’s all part of the game, though, and the learning never stops. Spring happens, and I generally welcome the changing patterns and routines that come with it.