Straw Bale House Construction

What Strawtron currently looks like

This is where progress on building our new straw bale & timber frame house currently stands. A year from now, the house should be fully plastered and lime washed, with a lush green roof, and a big ol’ greenhouse full of plants growing on the left side of the house. Imagine me on a hammock on a balcony, snoozing, too.

Straw Bale Building Progress

Right now, we’ve got some amount of lime and earthen plaster on all of the first level, and are just beginning to start plaster work on the second level. We’ve got some lumber coming in for the roof fascia and edge detail, so that we can get soil up there before winter sets in.

Ultimately, we plan to get a base coat of plaster on all of the exterior and interior, finish the living roof, and insulate the floor. If we were really good, we might start the greenhouse foundation, but that’s a bonus, and probably not going to happen with the time we have available to us.

To think that we started from nothing in April is amazing.