
OT: Too Big To Ignore: The Occupy Together Protests

By October 19, 20114 Comments

This has no direct relationship with the content of this blog, but it’s too big to ignore, and to close to my soul to not mention here. The Occupy Together protests (or the We are the One Percent, or Occupy Wall Street) are igniting worldwide, and I must say, it’s hugely exciting, and part of me wishes I could participate. But I’m geographically nowhere near any of the protests. So be it.

I do hope this movement has staying power, because this present time feels like it could be a tipping point — politically, socially, culturally, ecologically… and these protests can have huge power, as long as they are tactically and thoughtfully organized, and with clear and powerful messages and demands for change. I don’t want to hype it up, but there is so much coalescing in this world, so much demand for real change, and these protests are a mighty vehicle in a hugely important time to get our message out there.

Check out these photos from protests around the globe.

p.s. Check out Occupy George and how you can protest wealth inequality in America.


  • onesojourner says:

    I have a real problem with some of the reasons behind the protests namely the entitlement people out there. People who made conscious decisions to take out huge student loans and now they want the government to bale them out of the bad decision.

  • onesojourner says:

    I have a real problem with some of the reasons behind the protests namely the entitlement people out there. People who made conscious decisions to take out huge student loans and now they want the government to bale them out of the bad decision.

  • Spider says:

    I made a mini-documentary for school about the branch of Occupy Wall Street in Dallas. I think it’s so neat how everyone involved in the protests has a different message, but they all work together to spread awareness. The protesters here just moved to a different area, so I’m not quite up-to-date on current matters, but last I checked the city of Dallas was insisting that the protesters buy a SUPER expensive insurance policy. Among other things, they wouldn’t take away the trash they had, even though it was all neatly bagged up and stacked next to the trash can. My dad took a whole bunch of it, loaded it up in the office pick-up truck, and put it in our dumpster. Occupy the Planet!

  • Spider says:

    I made a mini-documentary for school about the branch of Occupy Wall Street in Dallas. I think it’s so neat how everyone involved in the protests has a different message, but they all work together to spread awareness. The protesters here just moved to a different area, so I’m not quite up-to-date on current matters, but last I checked the city of Dallas was insisting that the protesters buy a SUPER expensive insurance policy. Among other things, they wouldn’t take away the trash they had, even though it was all neatly bagged up and stacked next to the trash can. My dad took a whole bunch of it, loaded it up in the office pick-up truck, and put it in our dumpster. Occupy the Planet!