
Slight Website Re-organization and Updates

By September 12, 2011No Comments

If you’re paying attention, you might notice a few minor changes on The Year of Mud.

I’ve tweaked the upper navigation a bit to be (hopefully) clearer and more informative. There’s a page dedicated to each of my three major current projects: Gobcobatron (the cob house that started it all), the Wabi-sabi kitchen (the current roundwood timber frame cooperative building), and Strawtron (the soon-coming straw bale timber frame house).

In addition to that, I’ve updated the Natural Building Work Exchange and Workshops page in preparation for next year’s timber frame and straw bale workshops. There’s no new information about those programs yet, but when there is, it will be featured there.

I finally changed my age on the About page (ha), and included a list of some of the media attention this website and Gobcobatron has been honored to receive over the past few years.

The Cob Resources page is sadly gone (most of the page content went missing), but I don’t think it was very well trafficked these days anyway.

Other than that, I’m slowly starting to add more links in the side column. In particular, look out for more new timber framing links in the coming weeks and months.
