cob ovenWow, computers / the internet / technology can really be a drag sometimes. I just discovered that over half of my $20 outdoor cob oven post has gone missing from this website. I can’t find any of the content anywhere online, archived. This is the most popular post on my website, too, of course.

So I call out for help: does anyone have the text of this particular entry saved somewhere on their computer? (Of course, I don’t. Gr.)


UPDATE: It’s been found! Thanks, readers!

One Comment

  • Spider says:

    Dear Ziggy,
    I am reading your blog from the beginning to the end! I have been inspired by your work to add to my dreams of the future. As of now, I plan to obtain land somewhere near Seattle for a sustainable farm/ranch setup once I graduate from Evergreen State (Assuming I get in, that is! >.<). I want to build a cob or cob/strawbale house and foster children in the country. Ha! I've got big plans… Again, I started reading your blog from the start, and came across this:
    A spambot or something has added a whole bunch of links to your post! I haven't looked at what they lead to, due to the fact that they could be rigged (with viruses) so please try to get to this as soon as possible. Thank you! Sincerely,
    P.S. My site ( [named so by my mother]) is about our homeschooling experience. Visit it if you want!