100percentcobwallsThis afternoon, I did an interview with Tom Tucker of Greenblogosphere.com to talk about building with cob. We talked about my experience building a cob house, the benefits and history of cob, why I chose cob over other materials, etc. We also talked a little bit about life here at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.

It was really fun to have this talk, and hopefully this audio interview will shed some light on what it’s like to build with cob.

You can listen to the interview below, or visit Greenblogosphere.com to listen to building a house out of cob.


  • Dan the Garden Man says:

    Sounds great Ziggy. You are internationally famous. Keep on cobbing! Cob until you fall over!

  • Uncle B says:

    How does cob do in winter climates? We reach 20 below Celsius here in northern Canada, and get torrential thunderstorms in the summer months, my two biggest fears, when considering cob buildings. The expansion/contraction factor alone is frightening, and when water freezes it expands, ripping away anything in its path in huge frost boils on the highways for example. Does cob not have these problems? Neighbors have done straw bale houses very successfully, yet live in fear of rot and moisture collecting in the walls on colder days. How does cob do in my climate?